Thursday, August 1, 2013

Subtle Mind

Loving kindess is all about loving everyone, including yourself.  Subtle mind is about getting your mind under control.  Controlling your thoughts, not grasping and clinging at random thoughts that fly thru your mind.  Your mind is clear, focused and quiet.  Sometimes we need to just stop and listen to what our mind, body and spirit is telling us, instead of grasping at straws and running hither and tither.  

I thought that the exercises were very similar.  They both involved breathing, relaxing and focusing on oneself.  I honestly have a hard time doing both.  I really need to learn to focus, but when I am just "sitting" here, listening to some lady speak, I think of all the things I could be doing.  This is where I need to learn to focus my thoughts, clear my mind, and love myself enough to just be still for a bit!  Why is that so hard!?  Surely, I am not the only person who deals with this madness?  

I know that if I go for awhile without spending time in God's word, praying, or just meditating, then I feel like I am about ready to fall apart!  I need that refreshing, that rejuvenating of my spirit in order for my body and mind to feel free and lifted of burdens.  Sometimes, I let myself go a long time with out that refreshing because I let "life" get in the way.  I have to work, work out, shop at the grocery store, do laundry, dishes, homework, blogs, my son's school things, sports, rental property issues, bills to pay.  I need to sleep at sometime!  I get drained, then I don't have the energy to recharge my batteries!  I need to not let myself get this way, but sometimes it happens before I even realize it!  

I know that if I am not mentally or spiritually upbeat or well, I don't feel good on the whole.  I may go through the motions, but on the inside something is missing.  It is so important to take care of yourself in all areas of your life.  Your mind, body and spirit are so in tune with each other, they depend on each other.  

Keep on loving others and yourself!

Until next time!  


  1. Hi Ann,

    I loved reading your blog this week. I agree that life moves at such a fast pace, and without being whole, we can get sucked up in it because it is such a whirlwind.

    The exercises loving kindness and subtle mind best attributes are taking time to get quiet to listen to the music of our breathing.


  2. Thank you Liza, and I appreciate your positive feed back!:)


  3. Good Morning Ann,

    Interesting that you thought the exercise was similar...for me, the fact that there was far less talking was a treat for me!!!

    To add, the background sounds of the ocean and even the flute was nice to hear. The voice of the last exercise narrator was way too tough for me to relax too...but that was mostly because he was reading from a script!

    Would you consider it to be tougher to skip a day of mental fitness, or to skip a day of physical fitness???


  4. Ann, I agree that our daily lives are so full of thoughts, things to do, and overwhelm which makes it difficult to quiet the mind. I found it difficult with the "subtle mind" exercise after about 10 minutes, so I definitely need to practice this.

    You mentioned that you "work out" each day but I'm not sure what that involves. Have you tried changing your physical activity to something that gives you that peace or feeling of being more present with nature or yourself? I've found that cycling outdoors, walking early in the morning or in the evening, or yoga do this for me.

    Liam, you asked about skipping a day of physical or mental fitness. I would say skipping a day of physical fitness would be more difficult for me because it actually serves two purposes, calming my mind and keeping my body fit, if that makes sense.


    1. I do CrossFit three times a week, try to run a couple times a week, but every Sunday morning around 5 in the morning I take a nice long peaceful walk out in the middle of nowhere and just ponder and let my mind go! I love it!


  5. That is a tough question Liam! I need to do more mental fitness! I love my physical work out! I feel cheated if I don't do it! I supposed I am cheated right now as it is, with not having a regular mental workout!:)


  6. Hey Ann,

    I always enjoyed reading your blogs. I agree that love kindness exercise means love others includes yourself and subtle mind means getting your mind under control. I actually loved both exercises but it was very hard for me to focus on my mind and breath. I do physical exercises like run 3 miles five days a week and do yoga every day for flexibility. I need to start doing more relaxation exercises for focus. I agree that It is very important to take care of yourself in all areas of your life. I always remember that if you are happy, then you can make everybody's happy.

    Nice blog :)


  7. Hi Ann,
    It is difficult to put aside everything and everyone else's needs just to give yourself a few minutes of peace and quiet. I found it hard when I first started doing guided meditations but after a while I thought to myself, "hey, you deserve to have some me time without having to worry about everything else going on in the world". That is when I started really becoming more engaged in these types of activities. I might not do it every single day, but when my mind and body both feel like they need a quiet moment to recharge, I retreat to my bedroom, put some scented oil in my oil burner, light some candles, and take care of me for a change, even if only for 15 to 20 minutes. It is so worth it!
