Thursday, August 15, 2013

Meeting Aesclepius

I kind of had a hard time finding a face to go with this person.  I spent the first time doing the exercise trying to come up with someone or a visual image of someone that I missed the whole thing and had to listen again.  The second time around I still just could not do it, put a face in that space.  I ended up just thinking of a big white cloud that lead me around and guided me.

I believe I am getting more spiritually well, some of it is the class and the other part of it is me taking the time to pray, mediate on God's word, and having some peace and quite in my life.  It has helped tremendously!  I am going to keep spending everyday, if not every other day, having time for me, to be still, listening to my mind, body and spirit, so I can tell what is going on.

One cannot lead another where on has not gone himself.  If you have never experienced something, how can you give advice on the subject?  You can, but will you be taken seriously?  I want to be taken like I know what I am talking about, not some fly by night quack who is just there to put my time in or to get a pay check.

I want to be a well rounded person; professionally and personally.  I want people to look at me, see what I do and realize that yes, I can help them, and I will.  I need to make sure that I am up to par in all of these areas of my life too.

This has been a wonderful class.  I am learning such important things, that I would of never thought of before.  I greatly appreciate everyones feedback and support!

Until next time!!



  1. Hi Ann,

    This class has helped me too. It gives tools to help people become more rounded as a human being. I think anytime we practice at something we give opportunity to become better at it. Glad to hear you are getting spiritually well. That only enhances good and embraces growth.


  2. Thanks Liza, same for you! These "tools" are coming in handy! Especially the closer and closer I get to be done, the more work and stressed I am getting!:)



  3. Hello Ann,
    I haven't had very good luck with the exercises we have done in class. I have learned to take more time and focus on my inner-self so when I workout each day I make sure I take time to clear my mind and focus on my breathing; this has really helped me. I do agree with you I am going to try and continue this so I can continue you to grow. I too feel it is important to be a well rounded individual.

  4. Hi Ann,
    I must say that this was an interesting experience. These meditations don't work for me very well but it may be because I have already found a method that works for me to clear my mind. Do you think I need to be more open-minded or that we all just have different ways of clearing our minds? I also find that I want people to realize that I put into motion what I am giving them advice about. Otherwise I would be likely to lose my credibility.
    See you around! ~Julia

  5. Hi Ann,

    I completely understand what you mean when you say you want to have credibility with people. I started my journey to wellness some time ago and still have quite a bit of weight to lose. You are an inspiration. I think that as someone who has struggled through obesity and have learned to make a lot of positive changes, that even though I have yet to reach my goals, that I can be a positive influence while I continue on my journey.
    The drawback is that if someone does not take the time to learn my story, at this point, they would not likely take my advise about anything wellness just by looking at me.

    I, like you, am continuing on my journey to wellness and have confidence that by the time I finish my degree, I will be at or very close to my goal weight!

  6. Thanks Julia and Sheila! I think we are all a work in progress!:)

