Thursday, August 8, 2013

Loving Kindness and Assessment Unit 6, over half way done!

I can not believe that we are over half way done with this term already!  Time goes by so fast.  When I stop and think about it, I realize that I still haven't taken much time for relaxing, mediation, or loving myself with some loving kindness.  This is something I really need to work into my life.  I can and do see the benefit of it when I do it!

Now, on to week 6 and things we need to do!

I like the thoughts to think ( if that makes sense) on page 93:

May all individuals gain freedom from suffering
May all individuals find sustained health, happiness and wholeness
May I assist all individuals in gaining freedom from suffering
May I assist all individuals in finding health, happiness and wholeness

This IS exactly what I want to do!  When I started my first blog  LADY LOVES COFFEE, the whole point was to help people find their healthy, happy life!  I think that if we really care about people we will do everything mentioned above to the best of our ability!

I think I am ready for growth in all areas of my life, I am a knowledge seeker, and learning means growth!  Sometimes I do have a hard time just sitting and being still, because there is so much to do, in such a short amount of time!  I need to go go go!  Do do do!  Sometimes I might not handle situations that best because I want to fix it now or see it come to a closure soon.  This is another area of development that I need to look into:)  If I could get myself a little better in balance, have some calm abiding mojoing in my life, I might be doing better!!

See you on the blogs!



  1. Ann, I enjoyed reading your blog post and I completely agree with you on the "universal loving-kindness" meditation. Taking the focus off ourselves sometimes to show loving kindness towards others is a wonderful feeling, and after all, isn't it what life is about?

    I too have difficulty getting my mind to settle down to meditate. Have you thought about how you will do this, what steps you can begin to take? Maybe the time of day you choose to meditate may be helpful, like when you are not in the midst of the day's activities. I've found exercising helps too as it both energizes my body and calms my mind... Wishing a good week of trying out your new exercises.

  2. Hi Again Ann,

    I wonder if one day it will be: "Lady Loves Soy Chai Tea"?

    I think that if anyone says they do NOT need to grown more in these areas...they are fibbing! I myself feel pretty balanced, but I want to continue growing too. I am not done, I always think of myself as the beginner - an apprentice at life with much to offer but much more to learn!

    Don't focus on the physical stillness - that will come with age...instead, focus on being still in the mind. My mind is as calm as a small pond in the wilderness, while my body, hands and feet are moving at intense speeds when practicing my Martial Arts...

    Find the stillness within.


  3. Hi Ann,
    That very same basic thought is what started me on the road to learning more about nutrition! The thought of wanting to help people that are suffering and walk with them and help them to incorporate healthy habits into their lifestyles. I always say...knowledge is power and whenever a person thinks they know everything is when they have quit learning because they become closed minded. I like to keep an open mind but yet I am still confident in what I believe in and will not be swayed. It sounds a bit closed-minded but we can also not just go with the wind. I like to know all perspectives of a situation and then go from there. See you around! ~Julia

  4. Hey Ann,

    Always enjoy reading your blogs.. I know I can not believe either that we are over half way done with this term already! Time is just flying and we are still at the learning stage lol....I am just like you Sometimes I do get a hard time just sitting and being calm, because I have so much stuff around me that I can't afford to relax. I want finish everything at the same time and which is not possible. lol I need to work on my loving kindness activities more so I can calm myself more often.


  5. Hi Ann, you are a power house! How many cups of coffee do you drink in a day? I get revved up just reading your blog!. I too, like to learn. I feel I did not learn enough as a child, so knowledge is a wonderful thing. I do find that I learn best in the morning, so perhaps that may be a good time of day for you to practice some calm abiding. Or maybe at night before you go to bed, practice the still mind, before you drift off to sleep.
