Sunday, September 1, 2013

Unit 9 Project. Made it to the end!

Ann M. Smith
Assignment #9
My Plan

            From my own personal experience, it is important to have your mind, body and spirit working as one, or together.  If I do not have it together, in all areas, than how can I coach or lead someone into ultimate health and happiness?  The area I need to work on is my mind.  I let my mind control too much of my feelings, emotions, and thinking.  Yes, I know that is what the mind does, but I should not it over rule my body and spirit, especially when my body and spirit are doing the right thing.  I need to learn to control my mind, and not let it wonder so much.  I need to use the witnessing mind mediation more and learn to have complete control over my thoughts. 
            Spiritually, I think I am a 9 out of 10.  I have a spiritual life, I am not ashamed or embarrassed of it.  I like to tell people about what God has done for me, I love to read my bible and mediate on His word, I pray and try my hardest to live a life devoted to God with out making people stumble.  Physically, my goal is a 10, but I am always going to be upping that number.  Once I get to a 10, I will make my goal a 20.  I don’t ever want to hit my goal physically, what would there be to achieve then?  Psychologically?  That is a tough one.  Because I let my mind do it’s own thing sometimes, I have fear, what if I am not able to help anyone, what if I can not do this, what if under my “treatment” someone gets sick or heavier, or more unhealthy?  I would say I am at a strong 5.
            Goals:  Physically, I would love to do a Triathlon.  I will have to keep working towards that goal.  Psychological, working on me controlling my thoughts and feelings, not vice versa and spiritually, I could spend some more time in prayer and some mediation.  I would like to have a deeper mediation life.  But first, I need to calm my mind.
            The practices that I am going to implement into my life are to foster growth are, I am going to keep training my body, pushing it to it’s limits and forcing it to do things that my mind says it can not by doing CrossFit three times a week and running the other four.  I am running my first 5K in October and I want to move on to bigger and better things.  Always pushing past my goal.  I would like to add more flexibility to my body, so I will be doing more yoga on a regular basis.  For my mind, I am going to keep trying the mediation practices laid out in the book Integral Health.  I am going to master this!  I have decided to do it after my yoga sessions.  I am very calmed and relaxed after these sessions; I think I will be able to focus my mind a little more, since I have released a lot of stress and tension during yoga.  I would like to learn a little more about Tai Chi and see if this is something that I could also use instead of yoga or switch back in forth between the two.  I believe that if I got my mind a little more focused I could meet my physical goals a little faster.
            Spiritual, by being more focused and calming my mind, I believe my spiritual side will see some growth also.  I plan on using mediation for my spiritual side along with reading my bible, earnest prayer and prayer for other people.  I like what Dr. Dacher says, embrace all living beings, including those whom you consider to be your enemies.  A change will take place in your mind and your heart.  Integral Health also states may all individuals gain freedom from suffering, find sustained health, happiness and wholeness, may I assist people in all of these areas, not only through prayer but having a relationship with them. 
            I am a goal setter.  I make yearly goals, monthly, weekly and daily.  I am also a list maker, so I know that if I write it down, and run with it, I will finish the race.  I would like to lose another 20 pounds, and I would love to do it in six months, and I know that it is attainable.  I HAVE to put me first, my mind, body and spiritual needs instead of everyone else all the time.  That is what is usually my stumbling block. 
            I never want to go back to where I was.  Fat, unhealthy, tired, sore, weak, depressed.  Just remembering that feeling will keep me from ever going that direction again. 
It has been a pleasure being in class with you!


  1. Hi again Ann,

    I think it is great that we have made it this far...peeking around the corner at the finish line!

    I like your physical goal of doing a triathlon...I think that is great! A great way to succeed in an event like that -especially as a first timer - is to not compete to win, but rather to enjoy! So, enjoy!



  2. Thanks for the advice Liam!
    Maybe next term we will have another class together!

    Best to you!


  3. Goals are so important, that's great that it seems to come naturally to you. Making yourself a priority is also important, and it's surprisingly hard to do! Best of luck in your future endeavors!

  4. Hi Ann,

    It has been great to read your blog this term and hear about your amazing success story! I have no doubt you will ROCK the 5K and as for the tri? You go girl!

    You nailed it when you said you have to put yourself first in your journey to fitness, especially physical fitness. There is always something that will rob you of the time needed to exercise. I have been all over the map on this one from going to the extreme of being in the gym all the time to where I am now where I have allowed other things to rob me of the time to even take a walk. One of my goals is to stop that bad habit and get into a routine that is life-long sustainable!!!

    I hope to see you in another class, I have three terms to go, woohoo!

  5. Hi Ann,
    I am currently wanting to sign up for my first 5K and know that this will bring me the motivation that I need since I would have to get myself in better shape. I agree that we have to take care of ourselves if we want to be successful. When we take care of ourselves we are not being selfish, rather helping those close to us by setting a good example and being a better person. Good luck to you with your've got this! ~Julia

  6. Thank you Amy, Sheila and Julia for the encouragement! I am excited about ALL of our futures! I think we have some great people in this class who want to make a difference and are going to fulfill these goals!

    Stay in touch!

  7. Hello Ann, I enjoyed your rating on your spiritual life mainly because I think that it is important that everyone has a active spiritual life. I think that it is one of the aspects of having a balanced life. For me, it is the part that keeps me focused on what I think God has for me to do on Earth. Best of luck!

  8. Hey Ann,

    Yes we made it to the end !!!! I always enjoyed reading your discussions and blogs. I also make goals like monthly, weekly and daily. its helps me a lot to get motivated myself. I also want to lose 5-8 lbs in one month before my engagement celebrations. Good luck in your future goal and I am sure it will be very easy for you to lose 20 lbs.


  9. Tanika and Stuti! YEA we did make it! Best of luck to you two also in the future! Who knows, maybe we will have another class together? I will be done in February, and you two?

    Thanks, again!
